Why OSF...?

Schools provide one of the first steps to your child’s education. Children are assigned teachers that are introducing new concepts in subjects such as Language, Math, and Science. That can be an intimidating task for any child because they are placed in an unfamiliar setting, with kids they do not know and are challenged to work at the pace of their teachers.

Meanwhile, at the same time, students are being prepared for high school. Your child will be introduced to the concept of semesters and will be divided between college and university-level courses. At One Step Forward, we emphasize traits and work habits that will be useful to your child when making that jump to secondary school. We believe high school is a very critical part of your child’s social and academic life. During this time period, students build life-long relationships and prepare for university, college or an apprenticeship. The biggest issue most teenagers in high school face is peer pressure. This is where parents will find their children falling behind in their academics.


Improve Grades and Confidence With Personalized Tutoring

As parents, you will also find your child’s disinterest in their academics due to the barriers between students and their teachers. When there is 1 teacher lecturing 20 students, misunderstandings can be very common within a classroom. At One Step Forward, you will find our tutors work with our students in a very detailed and efficient manner. For instance, we will provide personalized plans for all students. This way, literature such as Shakespeare and subjects like Calculus are not daunting for your child. It is our job at One Step Forward to help our students in all academic and social areas.

At One Step Forward, our tutors are excellent role models and provide one on one coaching throughout their tutoring sessions. We will help build your child’s confidence while letting them express their opinions. Confidence is the most important trait a child could possess, especially in a high school environment. We will build your child’s self-esteem by focusing on the positives and valuing their strengths. Once children believe in themselves, they can achieve all their goals.

Work ethic, organization, and time management are some of the many skills that our OSF tutors teach our students to help them adapt moving forward. Academically, we will have them prepared in all major subjects such as English, Math, French, and Science, etc.

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Unlock Your Potential: Get Started with Our Tutoring Services Today